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AUTHORS: Christoph Witte, Founder and Managing Director

A Disease Attention! Campaign by PINK CARROTS

The Disease Attention! campaign “Loco Lotto” deals with a controversial topic: Long Covid, the wearying long-time effects of a Corona infection that can happen to anyone. Regardless of age, sex, and severity of disease. Yet with extensive – and currently incalculable – consequences for each individual as well as for society. About 625,000 people are already affected, with an upward trend.

“Current discussions revolve around the 2G versus the 3G rule, lifting restrictions, and vaccine breakthroughs. Only few think about the most burning aspect of ‘Corona’: Long Covid”, says Christoph Witte, founder and CEO of PINK CARROTS. “We want to raise attention for those who suffer from it with our Disease Attention! campaign.”

The campaign idea: Everyone who has been infected with Covid-19 automatically takes part in a ‘game of bad luck’ with long-lasting effects. There is a great chance to win one or more exhausting symptoms that will stick around. The activities reference to the microsite where you find condensed relevant information. The message: No one should gamble with their health but focus on real knowledge. The campaign starts at the end of September in social media with three motives about the relevance and symptoms of Long Covid.

“We know that some people will feel provoked by ‚Loco Lotto’. Yet, from a communication strategy point of view we are convinced that this is the only way to create broad awareness for a side effect of the Corona pandemic that at first glance seems 'incidental'”, explains Christoph Witte.

There are many people affected – some of them with severe symptoms – while there’s a comparatively low presence of the topic in the media: That was the initial spark for PINK CARROTS to do something. The agency does not pursue any financial interests with its engagement. “Anyone is welcome to support our campaign free of charge with likes, shares, or advertising space. Our mission will be accomplished when many people think of Long Covid when they hear ‘Corona’ – and adjust their behaviour accordingly”, says Christoph Witte.

Frankfurt am Main, 09/29/2021

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