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Understanding target audiences better: Personas are a great way to get deeper insights. Read here how to develop personas and how to use them in practice.
Identifying the needs of customers and putting yourself in their shoes can provide valuable insights for communication. Persona workshops are a good method for this.
Needs in focus
When developing personas, you do not just apply the usual demographic or socioeconomic criteria to realistically depict target audiences. It is rather about getting closer to individual needs - also on an emotional level. In this way, abstract target groups become tangible personalities.
CO-Creation as a foundation
Personas are best implemented in a co-creation process that brings together people from a wide variety of backgrounds. Insights into the target group can be generated in advance with focus groups or qualitative interviews. In the end, it is important to prepare the wealth of information in such a way that the voice of the target audience can be heard clearly and loudly.
Transfer into practice
It is crucial that all employees can understand the personas and actively translate them for themselves. This is the only way to incorporate them into processes and decisions - for example, in the context of conversation training or in the development of communication materials.
Personas can make an important contribution to needs-oriented communication with target audiences. Suitable workshop formats create the right framework for identifying needs and addressing them in practice.
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